Explosion Protection for Operators and Manufacturers

As an operator of a plant, you are obliged to ensure the safety of your employees. In particular, when handling combustible gases, liquids or dusts, you are obliged to carry out a hazard assessment with regard to possible explosive hazards in accordance with GefStoffV. As a manufacturer of a machine or system, a risk assessment with regard to fire and explosion risks is necessary within the framework of the conformity assessment procedure according to Directive 2006/42 / EC and, if applicable, Directive 2014/34 / EU.


Isabelle Lehmann

Tremoniastraße 13
44137 Dortmund

Tel +49 231 5333-389
Fax +49 231 5333-299


ignition hazard investigation

As a manufacturer of equipment to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres, you are obligated to evaluate the ignition risks of the device and to take appropriate protective measures in accordance with Directive RL 2014/34 / EU (until 19.04.2016 according to Directive 94/9 / EC) take.
We support you with the implementation of structured ignition hazard assessments for non-electrical equipment based on DIN EN 13463.

Planning and installation accompanying examination

There are many steps between the initial planning and commissioning of a plant.
We support you on this way!
From the first hazard assessment, through the selection of equipment to the preparation and coordination of the necessary tests, we advise you during the course of the plant construction. If problems arise, our experts will provide you with practical and practical solutions.

Explosion protection scan

The operation of plants is subject to constant optimization and transformation of processes with regard to productivity or product changeover.
This can lead to the intervention in the necessary measures of explosion protection or the modification of boundary conditions.
It is not always necessary to carry out a new inspection in the context of an explosion protection concept.
Within the scope of our explosion protection scan, we analyze and evaluate their operations with regard to the following questions:

  • Is your system still up-to-date?
  • Is it possible to change the feedstock with your existing plant?
  • Does the offer of a supplier correspond to the requirements placed on your plant?

The analysis is carried out in a targeted manner and you receive fast and practicable answers to the safe operation of your system

Explosion protection document

For operators of a plant with potentially explosive atmospheres the obligation exists to create an explosion protection document according to § 6 GefStoffV. On the basis of the risk assessment, this document documents all measures taken to protect employees against explosion risks.
We advise you in the preparation of the explosion protection document according to § 6 GefStoffV and support you in the examination, optimization and updating of your existing explosion protection document.

Explosion protection concept

Mit der Erstellung eines strukturierten und übersichtlichen Explosionsschutzkonzeptes unterstützen wir Sie mit der Analyse der Explosionsgefahren, der Einteilung explosionsgefährdeter Bereiche (Zonen) und der Erarbeitung gefährdungsorientierter Schutzmaßnahmen. Das Explosionsschutzkonzept dient als Gefährdungsbeurteilung nach §6 GefStoffV für das vom Betreiber zu erstellenden Explosionsschutzdokument.